Wednesday, March 20, 2013

As of Late...

I don't know why but I love a good tree. The sun was setting and I couldn't help but get a couple shots of what I saw. I took these while I was in Mississippi. I've been back with my team for a few days now and my time at home went by faster than I hoped for. While I was home my dad blessed me with a new camera lens that I can't wait to use!

I'm currently in a church near Houston, Texas! I haven't been here since the summer and it's good to be back. I think what I like the most about Texas is that it's the furthest west we go. Meaning this is the closest to home I'll get. We started the summit on Sunday morning and since then we've averaged about nineteen kids every service. It's a smaller group but they're pretty rowdy. Last night's lesson was grace. The story is about a boy named Christian who is adopted by the captain of a ship. Christian becomes part of the captains crew and throughout the story he endures several times where he needs grace. Christian has to call out for help from his dad when he needs grace and his adopted father always comes to rescue him. 
Christian's story is an example to us that God is our adopted father, and whenever we need help God will give us grace and come to the rescue when we call on him. "Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I." Isaiah 58:9 
We also teach them the definition of grace.
Grace: The strength and the desire to obey.
Complete with hand motions.

My favorite part about last night was when the lesson was over and we were doing a craft you could hear all the kids talking about how much they loved the story. I even heard one kid tell a helper who had just come in every detail he could remember with great excitement. 
Well, that's just a little something about where I am and what God's doing. 

Quote of the night from a little boy;
"Do you know why birds poop white so much?"
"Because they eat so many marshmallows!"

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